Rime of the ancient mariner
Rime of the ancient mariner

rime of the ancient mariner rime of the ancient mariner

But that may be part of the reason it continues to be studied and to fascinate people. The poem is sometimes as difficult to understand as the story it tells-Coleridge intentionally used words and spellings that were considered archaic even during his time. (How has this not been the subject of a movie reboot?) The mariner is eventually rescued-and that’s where he ends the story, abruptly leaving the stunned wedding guest. A lot of spooky stuff goes down, and the entire crew-except for the mariner-dies, and their bodies are possessed by ghosts. Apparently that’s bad luck, and the superstitious crew members get angry with the mariner and punish him by hanging the dead bird around his neck. The crew credits the bird with saving them, but for reasons never given during the poem, the mariner kills it with a crossbow. The mariner tells the tale of how he was on a boat that got lost in fog and ice until the appearance of an albatross (a sea bird kind of like a seagull). The guest becomes increasingly uncomfortable but is unable to stop listening. The poem begins with the title character, the ancient mariner (an old sailor), cornering a wedding guest to tell him a story (like old sailors do). It has remained popular due in part to its strange, supernatural imagery and its many possible interpretations. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was first published in Lyrical Ballads, a collection of works by Coleridge and fellow English poet William Wordsworth, who are both credited as leaders of Romanticism.

Rime of the ancient mariner